First Name: Michael
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Time Zone: USA Eastern time
Previous MMO Experience: APB, Guild Wars, DC Universe
Previous FPS Experience: Call of Duty series.
Playtimes: Mornings from 9am- 5pm EDT Afternoons 8pm – till i get tired lol
Character Gender:Male
Character Faction or Class & Rank / LvL: crim, Rating 179 Threat Gold
Previous guilds / clans / teams/ units: S.T.F.U
Reason for leaving: inactive
Ventrilo Answer one: Installed w/mic
In-game strengths / weaknesses: strengths-skilled shooter, understands mission types knows what to do, good role player / weaknesses- Not a good nade thrower, shooting on the run isn’t the best
In-game preferred roles Primary and secondary (close combat, recon/sniper, Driver, etc): I like to use the obeya, and OCA with an ACT 44, depends on the mission and the location i could be a sniper with the obeya, not the best driver so mostly passenger shooter.
Out of game strengths / skills which may be an addition to the Code Killers: I’m a nice guy, calm, and respectful