
First Name: Cody

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Time Zone: EST

Previous MMO Experience: Guild Wars, WoW, WarRock, Helbreath.

Previous FPS Experience:CSS, WarRock, COD, MOH, Tribes, APB (of course).

Playtimes / Days (Please use GMT format): All day every day, until i get a job XD.

Character Name: Helhound (yeah that’s right 1 L, live with it :D)

Character Gender: Male

Character Faction or Class & Rank / LvL: Criminal

Previous guilds / clans / teams/ units: TCC, S.T.F.U., K.O.S., CK being the best of them all though.

In-game strengths / weaknesses: I can shoot and drive to hang with the big boys, my weakness being me thinking i can’t even though i rape on a daily basis.

In-game preferred roles Primary and secondary (close combat, recon/sniper, Driver, etc): I can do any, although i like mid range support and cqc.

Out of game strengths / skills which may be an addition to the Code Killers: I have a huge penis. And supply danish daily with the butter he needs to do his private stuff with kenji.

Welcome to the Helhound Party Bus, All aboard bitches! As the official events coordinater for the Code Killers, my main goal is to have fun. Come join our car crumbling demolition derbies, adrenaline pumping races and head to head duels. But I’m still here to win. So when you hear that gun snapping behind you and you fall to the ground cursing your team mates for letting you get shot, know that I have a big smile on my face, because I am having fun kicking your ass.

Written on March 14th, 2011


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